Ingenious leaders continue to find ways to frame and reframe situations quickly to create teachable moments. “Like maps, frames are both windows into a territory and tools for navigation” (Bolman & Deal).
As you embark on organizational culture change, be reminded that culture is dynamic, created by the interactions among the different people, businesses and locations supporting the organization. Because of complexity of cultural, transforming it requires leadership to mirror the behaviors expecting in the future; a critical strategy in showing what the key behaviors look like and sound like. One might say that “leadership and culture are two sides of the same coin.” Know that both are significant factors that contribute directly to an organization's ability – or - inability in staying relevant employees and clients.
Different forums to highlight behaviors to inspire others:
Personal 1-1 recognition, a simple "Thank You"
Acknowledgement email to someone's manager
Formal R&R program
Town Hall, a section that provide the health of the business
Your teams need honesty.
Honesty builds trust.
Trust builds relationships.
Communicate clearly, simply and honestly.
#whatsyourstory #conversationfirst #purposedriven #leadership #development #emotionalintelligence #buildingtrust #leadingfromtheheart #authenticallyme #personalconnection #teachablemoments #changeenablement #changemanagement #culturechange #impactingsquared
